Our research is focused on light-matter interactions. We use light to drive or probe quantum states in condensed matter — nanomaterials, magnets, strongly correlated materials, and superconductors — under extreme conditions of temperature and magnetic fields. Our research will lead to a microscopic understanding of nonequilibrium cooperative phenomena of many-electron systems as well as to novel device concepts and implementations, especially towards the solid-state realization of quantum information processing, computation and communications. Our lab is equipped with state-of-the-art spectroscopic instruments and techniques to study charge, spin, and vibrational dynamics in a variety of modern materials, either in free space or in cavities.
- Two 150 fs, 1.3 mJ and 1 kHz regenerative amplifiers (Clark-MXR, CPA-2010)
- A 25 fs mode-locked Ti:Sapphire laser (Kapteyn-Murnane)
- A 150 fs optical parametric amplifier with difference frequency generation (Quantronix, TOPAS)
- A 5 W diode-pumped frequency-doubled Nd:YVO4 laser (Spectra-Physics, Millenia)
- A 5 W diode-pumped frequency-doubled Nd:YVO4 laser (Coherent, Verdi)
- A 100 fs mode-locked Ti:Sapphire laser (Coherent, Mira)
- A tunable Mid-IR quantum cascade laser (DAYLIGHT Solutions)
- A 10 tesla superconducting magnet with optical windows (Oxford Instruments, SpectroMag)
- A 9 tesla superconducting magnet with optical windows (Oxford Instruments, SpectroMag)
- A 30 tesla table-top pulsed magnet (RAMBO1)
- A 30 tesla table-top pulsed magnet (RAMBO2)
- A Fourier-transform infrared spectrometer, 50 – 15000 cm-1 (JASCO, Model 660+)
- Five 300 mm monochromators/spectrographs (Acton, SpectraPro 308)
- A 150 mm monochromator/spectrograph (Acton, SpectraPro 150)
- A 300 mm spectrometer (Instruments S.A., Triax-320)
- Two 500 MHz 4-channel color digital oscilloscopes (Tektronix, TDS654C)
- A FROG (frequency-resolved optical gating) (Swamp Optics)
Mailing Address:
Rice University MS-378
PO Box 1892
Houston, Texas 77251-1892
Shipping Address:
6100 Main Street
Brockman Hall #352
Houston, Texas 77005-1892
Attention: Prof. Junichiro Kono
Kono Office Phone: (713)-348-2209
Staff Phone: (713) 348-6313
Office Fax: (713)-348-3091
Our labs and offices are housed in Brockman Hall for Physics at Rice University (map) in Houston, TX (map).
Directions to Rice University from airport (IAH , Hobby).
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