The information below is provided as a resource for Japanese students interested in international study, research, and funding opportunities. This information is provided as a resource and does not imply endorsement of these programs by Rice University or any other entity. Students should always consult the program websites for the most up-to-date information on eligibility criteria and application deadlines.
- 1 Home University International Programs or Study Abroad Office
- 2 Other Programs and Funding
- 2.0.1 Abu Dhabi: Khalifa University International Graduate Student Program (KUIGSP) Khalifa University, a dynamic Abu Dhabi-based institution breaking new ground in the STEM fields and research, will provide fully-funded study opportunities to talented prospective master’s and PhD students in the STEM fields. Khalifa University offers graduate students a comprehensive scholarship that includes: Full tuition and fees support, annual airline tickets, health insurance, and a generous monthly stipend.
- 2.0.2
- 2.0.3 ACCJ Internship Portal The American Chamber of Commerce in Japan (ACCJ), in collaboration with the U.S. Embassy and the U.S.-Japan Conference on Cultural and Educational Interchange (CULCON), has launched the ACCJ Internship Portal – an online platform that posts student internship listings from participating ACCJ member companies. The Internship Portal is part of a broader effort to support the call by the United States and Japanese governments for the private sector to encourage greater two-way student exchange. ACCJ member firms are seeking to incentivize study in the U.S. by Japanese students, and in Japan by U.S. students, by providing tangible assistance with entering international careers.
- 2.0.4 Australia Awards-Endeavour Scholarship
- 2.0.5 Chateaubriand Fellowship for PhD Students in France This fellowship is offered by the Embassy of France in the United States allows doctoral students enrolled in American universities to conduct research in France for 4-9 months. The program is open to both U.S. citizen and international doctoral students enrolled in a PhD program at an American University. The Chateaubriand Fellowship in Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics & Biology-Health (STEM) for doctoral students aims to initiate or reinforce collaborations, partnerships or joint projects between French and American research teams. Fellowships are also available in the Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS) which targets outstanding Ph.D. students from American universities who seek to engage in research in France, in any discipline of the Humanities and Social Sciences. Deadline is typically mid-January.
- 2.0.6 Education USA Advising Centers in Japan (in JP)
- 2.0.7 Fulbright Japan (in JP) The Fulbright grant has an international reputation built on the principles of binational governance, autonomy, and open competition based on individual merit without regard to the individual’s institutional affiliation, geographical location, race, color or creed. The objective of the grant is not only to enable the recipient to pursue a particular field of study but to develop leaders who can contribute to promoting mutual understanding between the United States and Japan.
- 2.0.8 Funai Overseas Scholarship
- 2.0.9 海外留学プログラム: 海外の大学に留学する日本人学生に対し、より多くの分野で日本人が活躍できるよう、勉学の場や自己啓発の機会を提供すること目的としたプログラムです。
- 2.0.10 Heiwa Nakajima Foudation 平和中島財団 本財団の奨学金は次の3種類です。 奨学金は、全て給付型です。返済の必要はありません。
- 2.0.11 Hong Kong Ph.D. Fellowship Scheme Established by the Research Grants Council (RGC) of Hong Kong in 2009, the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme (HKPFS) aims at attracting the best and brightest students in the world to pursue their PhD studies in Hong Kong’s universities. Candidates who are seeking admission as new full time PhD students in the following eight universities, irrespective of their country of origin, prior work experience and ethnic background, should be eligible to apply.
- 2.0.12 Honjo International Scholarship Foundation 本庄国際奨学財団 海外の大学院へ留学する日本人留学生に対する奨学金。 主として博士号取得を最終目的とする留学生に、奨学金を支給いたします。 すでに留学中の方が海外から応募することも可能です。
- 2.0.13 Ito Foundation for International Education Exchange 伊藤国際教育交流財団 当財団では、毎年日本から海外の大学等の修士課程に留学する日本人を対象に奨学金の希望者を募集しています。
- 2.0.14 Ito Fondation U.S.A – FUTI Scholarship The Ito Foundation U.S.A.-FUTI Scholarship supports up to two years of mid- to long-term study (1 semester/2 quarters or longer) and provides up to $50,000/year. To be eligible to apply, students must be:
- 2.0.15 Japan-America Student Conference (in JP) 日米学生会議(Japan-America Student Conference-JASC)は、日本初の国際的な学生交流 団体です。米国の対日感情の改善、日米相互の信頼回復を目指し、「世界の平和は太平洋にあ り、太平洋の平和は日米間の平和にある。その一翼を学生も担うべきである」という理念の下、1934年に発足しました。
- 2.0.16 JASSO: Japanese Student Service Organization 修士または博士の学位取得を目指し、海外の大学に留学する学生等を対象とした奨学金です。
- 2.0.17 Japanese Women’s Leadership Initiative – II The 2018 Japanese Women’s Leadership Initiative is now accepting applications! JWLI-II offers an executive leadership development program that transforms Japanese women to be action-oriented leaders with confidence to lead, skills and knowledge to manage, and a plan to make social change in Japan. The program targets Emerging women leaders of the Japanese social sector – nonprofit staff, a social entrepreneur, CSR staff of a for-profit company, or a municipal government employee.
- 2.0.18 Keidanren Ishizaka Memorial Foundation 経団連国際教育交流財団 公益財団法人 経団連国際教育交流財団(理事長:藤川淳一 東レ常任顧問)は、経団連第2代会長の故石坂泰三氏の業績を顕彰し、教育面における国際交流を通じてわが国と諸外国との相互理解の促進に資することを目的に、1976年に設立された。また、2011年12月1日に公益財団法人への移行登記を行い、名称を「財団法人 国際文化教育交流財団」から現在の名称に変更するとともに、その事業内容を見直した。
- 2.0.19 Murata Overseas Scholarship Foundation 村田海外留学奨学会
- 2.0.20 Nakajima Foundation 中島記念国際記念交流財団 平成30年度採用の募集受付けは終了しました
- 2.0.21 Nakatani Foundation Funding
- 2.0.22 Nippon Foundation – Worldwide Scholarships See program website for information on current scholarship programs.
- 2.0.23 Okinawa Institute of Science & Technology: PhD Program (in JP) The OIST Graduate University offers an individualized PhD program providing a secure foundation in the fundamentals of your field, with unparalleled opportunities for cross-disciplinary research. We recognize every student as a unique individual and take this into account in the design of each student’s program. OIST offers students excellent access to the research resources they need for cutting edge research, on a par with other users. The latest equipment is available together with training and support by experts. A host of major facilities such as a clean room with extensive facilities for material analysis and fabrication, genomics and metabolomics centers, high-performance computing, an animal center, and a range of imaging in optical, electron, and X-ray modes ensures that we have the equipment to advance your research.
- 2.0.24 Okinawa Institute of Science & Technology: Research Internship Program In addition to the OIST Doctoral Program, seminars, and workshops, the OIST Graduate School offers education and research opportunities through a system of undergraduate and graduate placements as Research Interns. These short-term placements as a Research Intern give talented students the opportunity to gain experience in a particular laboratory or to learn a specific technique. They work under the direction of a Professor at OIST and contribute to the research activities of OIST. Places for Research Interns are awarded four times a year on a competitive basis, with application typically six months in advance. The program is open to both Japanese and international students.
- 2.0.25 Singapore International Pre-Graduate Award (SIGPA)
- 2.0.26 Singapore International Graduate Award (SINGA)
- 2.0.27 Switzerland: Research Internship at EPFL
- 2.0.28 Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships for Foreign Scholars and Artists
- 2.0.29 Taiwan Industrial Technology Research Institute Internship Program
- 2.0.30 Takenaka Ikueikai 竹中育英会 近年における日本経済は、多少の起伏を示しながらも、一般的には長期にわたる成長が期待され、これとともに国民生活も社会文化も向上しつつある。この成長を堅実に永続させるために最も要請されることは、青少年の育成と教育の振興である。
- 2.0.31 Tobitate Study Abroad Initiative – トビタテ!留学JAPAN As globalization accelerates, Japanese companies are endeavoring evermore to strengthen their presence overseas. However, with the relatively low and decreasing number of Japanese university students studying abroad, roughly 70 percent of Japanese companies with operations outside of Japan say they are finding it difficult to secure and develop globally minded talent. In response, as part of the Japan Revitalization Strategy decided by the cabinet in 2013, the Japanese government is aiming to double the number of Japanese students studying abroad by the year 2020. Although the number of such students is increasing, there is still a long way to go.
- 3 TOMODACHI Initiative Programs
- 3.0.1
- 3.0.2 UN Careers: Internship Opportunities If you are thinking of entering the world of diplomacy and public policy, an internship at the United Nations could be the ideal start for you. The objective of the internship is to give you a first-hand impression of the day-to-day working environment of the United Nations. You will be given a real chance to work with our people. As part of our team, working directly with outstanding and inspiring career professionals and senior management, you will be exposed to high-profile conferences, participate in meetings, and contribute to analytical work as well as organizational policy of the United Nations. Initially you will take on the amount of responsibility you can shoulder; the potential for growth, however, is yours to develop.
- 3.0.3 U.S. Japan Conference on Cultural & Educational Interchange (CULCON) The U.S.-Japan Conference on Cultural and Educational Interchange (CULCON) is a binational advisory panel that serves to elevate and strengthen the vital cultural and educational foundations of the U.S.-Japan relationship, and to strengthen connections between U.S. and Japan leadership in those fields. It works to ensure that the best of new ideas for cultural, educational and intellectual activity and exchange are implemented as operational programs.
- 3.0.4 U.S.-Japan Council Toshizo Watanabe Endowed Scholarship The Toshizo Watanabe Endowed Scholarship Fund/Toshizo Watanabe Study Abroad Scholarship Program provides financial assistance to undergraduates/graduate students for a semester or year-long study abroad program in either the United States or Japan. A generous endowment gift of $10 million from Mr. Toshizo (Tom) Watanabe to the U.S.-Japan Council makes it possible to award scholarships to students for whom study abroad would not be possible without financial support. The scholarship will support up to the full cost of attendance to the study abroad program of the applicant’s choice. The scholarship program grants awards to recipients in amounts determined by financial need and other qualifications.
- 3.0.5 Yoshida Scholarship Foundation 吉田育英会 この奨学金は、海外の大学院等に留学する日本人留学生に対し、 奨学金を支給するプログラムです。 推薦依頼校からの募集と公募を併用して行い、留学開始前に予約採用を行います。
- 3.0.6
Home University International Programs or Study Abroad Office
If you have not already done so, please visit your home university international programs or study abroad/exchange programs office. This will help you learn more about the array of international programs available to students at your university. These offices may also be able to connect you with English conversation clubs and/or programs that help you mentor or become friends with international students attending your Japanese university. In this way, you can form friendships and speak in English with international students even before you leave Japan!
Other Programs and Funding
Abe Fellowship for U.S. and Japanese Citizens
The Abe Fellowship is designed to encourage international multidisciplinary research on topics of pressing global concern. The program seeks to foster the development of a new generation of researchers who are interested in policy-relevant topics of long-range importance and who are willing to become key members of a bilateral and global research network built around such topics. It strives especially to promote a new level of intellectual cooperation between the Japanese and American academic and professional communities committed to and trained for advancing global understanding and problem solving. This competition is open to citizens of the United States and Japan as well as to nationals of other countries who can demonstrate strong and serious long-term affiliations with research communities in Japan or the United States. Applicants must hold a PhD or the terminal degree in their field, or have attained an equivalent level of professional experience at the time of application. Applicants are invited to submit proposals for research in the social sciences and related disciplines relevant to any one or any combination of the four themes below. The themes are:
- Threats to Personal, Societal, and International Security: Especially welcome topics include food, water, and energy insecurity; pandemics; climate change; disaster preparedness, prevention, and recovery; and conflict, terrorism, and cyber security.
- Growth and Sustainable Development: Especially welcome topics include global financial stability, trade imbalances and agreements, adjustment to globalization, climate change and adaptation, and poverty and inequality.
- Social, Scientific, and Cultural Trends and Transformations: Especially welcome topics include aging and other demographic change, benefits and dangers of reproductive genetics, gender and social exclusion, expansion of STEM education among women and under-represented populations, migration, rural depopulation and urbanization, impacts of automation on jobs, poverty and inequality, and community resilience.
- Governance, Empowerment, and Participation: Especially welcome topics include challenges to democratic institutions, participatory governance, human rights, the changing role of NGO/NPOs, the rise of new media, and government roles in fostering innovation.
Abu Dhabi: Khalifa University International Graduate Student Program (KUIGSP)
Khalifa University, a dynamic Abu Dhabi-based institution breaking new ground in the STEM fields and research, will provide fully-funded study opportunities to talented prospective master’s and PhD students in the STEM fields. Khalifa University offers graduate students a comprehensive scholarship that includes: Full tuition and fees support, annual airline tickets, health insurance, and a generous monthly stipend.
ACCJ Internship Portal
The American Chamber of Commerce in Japan (ACCJ), in collaboration with the U.S. Embassy and the U.S.-Japan Conference on Cultural and Educational Interchange (CULCON), has launched the ACCJ Internship Portal – an online platform that posts student internship listings from participating ACCJ member companies. The Internship Portal is part of a broader effort to support the call by the United States and Japanese governments for the private sector to encourage greater two-way student exchange. ACCJ member firms are seeking to incentivize study in the U.S. by Japanese students, and in Japan by U.S. students, by providing tangible assistance with entering international careers.
Amgen Scholars Japan Program
Every year, the Amgen Scholars Program provides hundreds of selected undergraduates with the opportunity to engage in a hands-on research experience at many of the world’s premier educational institutions. Japanese students can apply to the Amgen Scholars Japan Program.
Australia Awards-Endeavour Scholarship
The Australia Awards–Endeavour Scholarships and Fellowships are the Australian Government’s competitive, merit-based scholarships and fellowships providing opportunities for Australians to undertake study, research or professional development overseas and for overseas citizens to do the same in Australia.
The Endeavour Scholarships and Fellowships build Australia’s reputation for excellence in the provision of education and research, support the internationalisation of the Australian higher education and research sectors and offer high-achieving Australians opportunities to increase their knowledge and expertise in their field. Applications typically open in late April of each year.
There are two main types of internships at IST Austria: 1) independent internships, and 2) ISTernships. Independent internships Students who are either pursuing or have obtained a bachelor’s or a master’s degree in a science subject, and who are interested in doing an internship at IST Austria may apply to the respective group leader directly.
ISTernships: IST Austria offers summer internships to outstanding students interested in basic research in Biology, Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics, Neuroscience and interdisciplinary areas. Candidates must be enrolled Bachelor- or Master of Science students in good standing at a degree granting institution worldwide. They must have completed at least the fourth semester of their bachelor’s studies (before the respective start date). Duration: 8 – 12 weeks between May 15 and September 15.
Chateaubriand Fellowship for PhD Students in France
This fellowship is offered by the Embassy of France in the United States allows doctoral students enrolled in American universities to conduct research in France for 4-9 months. The program is open to both U.S. citizen and international doctoral students enrolled in a PhD program at an American University. The Chateaubriand Fellowship in Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics & Biology-Health (STEM) for doctoral students aims to initiate or reinforce collaborations, partnerships or joint projects between French and American research teams. Fellowships are also available in the Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS) which targets outstanding Ph.D. students from American universities who seek to engage in research in France, in any discipline of the Humanities and Social Sciences. Deadline is typically mid-January.
Education USA Advising Centers in Japan (in JP)
- American Center Japan in Tokyo: EducationUSA at American Center Japan (ACJ) is one of the standard EducationUSA advising centers in Japan. It is a one-stop shop for students, parents, teachers, and working adults interested in accessing information on studying at higher education institutions and intensive English programs in the United States. For individual advising services, please make an appointment in advance.
- U.S. Consulate in Fukuoka: 福岡アメリカンセンター・レファレンス資料室では、資料室の利用方法や情報の探し方だけでなく、米国についてのさまざまなお問い合わせに応じていますので、お気軽にご相談ください。専門のライブラリアンが、米国の外交、安全保障、政治、経済、社会、さらに環境などの地球規模の問題について、信頼できる情報を迅速に提供します。2011年3月よりアメリカ留学に関する資料の閲覧や無料のアドバイジング・サービスを開始いたしました。アメリカ大学・大学院に関する資料の閲覧や、奨学金などの情報入手をはじめ、個別相談は来館、電話、メールにて無料で対応します。フルブライト・ジャパン(日米教育委員会)の協力の下、アメリカ留学説明会も開催します。アメリカに留学したいけれど、何から始めてよいのか、準備はいつから始めたらよいのか、日本の大学とはどう違うのか、英語は得意ではないけれど留学できるのか、などお気軽にご相談いただけます。
- U.S. Consulate in Nagoya: The Nagoya American Center is part of the U.S. Consulate Nagoya (Public Affairs Section), responsible for carrying out U.S. Government public diplomacy activities in the four prefectures that make up the Tokai region. Our mission is to promote mutual understanding and friendship by providing the Japanese public with information on American foreign and security policy, U.S.-Japan trade and economic relations, American society, politics, and culture through a wide range of programs. Although we do not have any EducationUSA advisor, we offer virtual advising via online conference every month by working with EducationUSA/Fulbright Japan advisors.
- U.S. Consulate in Naha American Corners: The American Corners in Urasoe City and Nago City are a joint partnership between the U.S. Consulate General and the local municipalities. The Urasoe American Corner opened in September 14, 2004. The Nago American Corner opened in March 29, 2005. Both American Corners are located in public libraries and are designed to provide the people of south-central and northern Okinawa Island with information about the United States, its people, language, culture, history, government, and institutions through books, magazines and CDs. The two American Corners also regularly co-host visiting speaker and cultural programs.
- U.S. Consulate in Osaka: EducationUSA Center in Osaka is the official source of information about accredited postsecondary institutions in the United States. We help students, parents and teachers through the process of applying to study in the United States. Our district covers Kansai, Hokuriku, Shikoku and Chugoku. Upcoming events and seminars are announced on our Facebook.
- U.S. Consulate in Sapporo: 札幌アメリカンセンターは、在札幌米国総領事館の広報文化交流担当の一部門です。米国務省の「開かれた外交(パブリック・ディプロマシー)」の担い手として米国の社会、経済、政策、文化等の様々な分野に焦点を合わせてイベントを企画・支援し、また情報を提供しております。担当地域は、北海道と東北4県(青森、秋田、岩手、宮城)です。一般に開放されている「札幌アメリカン・センター・レファレンス資料室」では、政治、法律、経済、社会、国際関係、ならびに米国留学に関する情報を提供しています。札幌アメリカンセンターレファレンス資料室にて資料閲覧ご希望の方は事前に011-641-3444に電話で予約してからお越しください。
Erasmus Mundus Master Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
Four leading educational institutions in Europe offer a joint Erasmus Mundus Master of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (EMM-Nano). The programme offered is a truly integrated one, with a strong research backbone and a very important international outreach. The objective of this course is to provide top quality multidisciplinary education in nanoscience and nanotechnology. The EMM-nano is a two-year, 120 ECTS, English language degree programme. Thanks to its combination of partners, expertise and courses, it offers you a unique integrated master programme, covering all aspects of nanoscience and nanotechnology, while at the same time allowing you to design an individual study programme with specialization in essentially any field of nanoscience and nanotechnology.
European Union Vulcanus in Europe Program
The EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation’s “Vulcanus in Europe” program is a one year program for students in STEM fields held in different EU countries. It consists of two parts: four months of language study following by an eight-month traineeship in a R&D department in a company within the EU.
France: Make Our Planet Great Again Graduate Funding
France’s President Macron has made available four new funding programs in his “Make Our Planet Great Again” initiative. Here are the program offerings:
- A call for applications for grants to pursue a master’s degree in France (1 or 2 years)
- A call for applications for co-financing of Ph.D. programs in France (3 years)
- A call for applications for co-financing of postdoctoral research contracts (1 to 2 years)
- A call for proposals for funding of short research stays (14 days to 5 months) for international researchers and PhD students
Calls for applications for grants at the master level, for postdoctoral research contracts and for short research stays will close on April 6, 2018. Students will be able to apply for Ph.D. offers from April 5 to 20. Three research topics will be prioritized: earth system sciences, climate change and sustainability sciences, energy transition.
Fulbright Japan (in JP)
The Fulbright grant has an international reputation built on the principles of binational governance, autonomy, and open competition based on individual merit without regard to the individual’s institutional affiliation, geographical location, race, color or creed. The objective of the grant is not only to enable the recipient to pursue a particular field of study but to develop leaders who can contribute to promoting mutual understanding between the United States and Japan.
- My Fulbright Story (in JP): In addition to experience stories below, please also see the FLTA reports (Japanese only) and the Fulbright Japan Facebook Link Collection. * Stories available only in Japanese.
Funai Overseas Scholarship
Today there are far fewer Japanese students pursuing Ph. D. degrees at world-class overseas universities than there are Chinese, Korean, and Indian students, and the Funai overseas scholarship program was set up specifically to encourage greater numbers of Japanese students to study abroad and earn a Ph. D. at foreign universities. Funai overseas scholarships cover two full years of tuition plus a stipend of $2,500 a month for living expenses. From the third year until the conferral of the Ph. D. degree, students receive an annual scholarship of $10,000. Funai offers scholarships within its funding priorities, which focus on science and engineering, life sciences, and economics. The program was launched six years ago with scholarships awarded to two students, but today the foundation supports about ten successful applicants per year. We start accepting applications in June, and the deadline is in mid October.
Germany: DAAD Academic Exchange Office in Japan
The DAAD provides scholarships, informs about study and research in Germany, promotes university cooperation and supports German study programs abroad. Here, you will find more detailed information on the work of the DAAD in Japan and our office in Tokyo. This website is available in both Japanese and in English.
Google 2019 Subsea Optical Fiber Communications International Summer School in Finland
Google is seeking interested students for a one-week program on Subsea Optical Fiber Communications International Summer School in Finland scheduled for August 5-9, 2019. University students, preferably in a STEM field of study, can apply from any country. This will be the first year for this subsea program and its goal is to be an inspiring workshop and introduction to the subsea cable industry for students that may not be familiar with this industry. If you would like to apply, you must first express interest through the “Contact” button on the website. Those who express interest will receive a registration form soon and the registration will be open until April 2019.
DAAD Postdoctoral Researchers International Mobility Experience (PRIME) Program in Germany
This funding program addresses postdocs of all nationalities, who see their future career in Germany, but who first wish to spend some time researching abroad. Funding is provided for 18 months, of which 12 have to be spent abroad and 6 at a German university. PRIME is open to both Germans and foreigners, no matter whether they are currently living in Germany or abroad. You are eligible to apply if you already hold a PhD or if you will have completed your PhD before the prospective starting date of your PRIME fellowship. Applications are due in late August.
Germany: Humboldt Research Fellowships for Postdoctoral Researchers
A Humboldt Research Fellowship for postdoctoral researchers allows you to carry out long-term research (6-24 months) in Germany. Applicants choose their own topic of research and their academic host. Scientists and scholars of all nationalities and disciplines may apply to the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation online at any time. The Humboldt Foundation grants approximately 500 Humboldt Research Fellowships for postdoctoral researchers and experienced researchers annually. Short-term study visits, participation in congresses and training courses cannot be financed. Academics from developing and emerging countries may be eligible to apply for a Georg Forster Fellowship.
Global E³ is an exchange program for engineering students: a student can study abroad while continuing to pay tuition at home. With member universities in 24 countries, students at over 70 universities have the opportunity to study abroad. Global E³ exchanges about 250-300 students a year. To be eligible to apply, your home university in Jmust be a member of the Global E3 Consortium.
Note: In Japan, the only university that is a current consortium member is Tohoku University.
海外留学プログラム: 海外の大学に留学する日本人学生に対し、より多くの分野で日本人が活躍できるよう、勉学の場や自己啓発の機会を提供すること目的としたプログラムです。
Heiwa Nakajima Foudation 平和中島財団
- 日本人留学生奨学生: 海外の大学等に留学する日本人が対象
- 外国人留学生奨学生: 日本の大学に在学する外国人が対象
- 外国人招致留学生奨学生 : 日本の大学に交換留学をする外国人が対象
Hong Kong Ph.D. Fellowship Scheme
Established by the Research Grants Council (RGC) of Hong Kong in 2009, the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme (HKPFS) aims at attracting the best and brightest students in the world to pursue their PhD studies in Hong Kong’s universities. Candidates who are seeking admission as new full time PhD students in the following eight universities, irrespective of their country of origin, prior work experience and ethnic background, should be eligible to apply.
- City University of Hong Kong
- Hong Kong Baptist University
- Lingnan University
- The Chinese University of Hong Kong
- The Education University of Hong Kong
- The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
- The University of Hong Kong
Applicants should demonstrate outstanding qualities of academic performance, research ability / potential, communication and interpersonal skills, and leadership abilities. The Fellowship provides an annual stipend of HK$301,200 (approximately US$38,600) and a conference and research-related travel allowance of HK$12,600 (approximately US$1,600) per year for each awardee for a period up to three years. 250 PhD Fellowships will be awarded in the 2019/20 academic year which begins in September in Hong Kong. For awardees who need more than three years to complete the PhD degree, additional support may be provided by the chosen universities.
Honjo International Scholarship Foundation 本庄国際奨学財団
海外の大学院へ留学する日本人留学生に対する奨学金。 主として博士号取得を最終目的とする留学生に、奨学金を支給いたします。 すでに留学中の方が海外から応募することも可能です。
Ito Foundation for International Education Exchange 伊藤国際教育交流財団
Ito Fondation U.S.A – FUTI Scholarship
The Ito Foundation U.S.A.-FUTI Scholarship supports up to two years of mid- to long-term study (1 semester/2 quarters or longer) and provides up to $50,000/year. To be eligible to apply, students must be:
- Current University of Tokyo students (undergraduate, graduate, or doctoral candidate) or students who have graduated or are about to graduate UTokyo.
- Wish to study at a U.S. university for 1 semester/2 quarters or longer.
- Eligible majors/specializations include all areas of academic study.
- The application deadline is February 15 in the year the study abroad will take place and one letter of recommendation is also due on this date.
Japan-America Student Conference (in JP)
日米学生会議(Japan-America Student Conference-JASC)は、日本初の国際的な学生交流
団体です。米国の対日感情の改善、日米相互の信頼回復を目指し、「世界の平和は太平洋にあ り、太平洋の平和は日米間の平和にある。その一翼を学生も担うべきである」という理念の下、1934年に発足しました。
以来日米学生会議は、日米関係を考察するとともに、両国をめぐる様々な問題について、多角 的に検討してきました。しかし近年のグローバリゼーションの進展と新興国の発展を経て、今 日ではより広く多様な問題を日米の観点のみならずグローバルな視点から考えることが求めら れています。
本会議では、日本と米国から同数の学生が約一ヶ月にわたって共同生活を送りながら様々な議 論や活動を行い、会議全体を通して、様々な世界の問題に対して学生同士の活発な議論を行うとともに、日米両国の参加者間の相互理解を深めていくことを目的としています。そして参加 者たちが会議で得た成果を長期的に社会的貢献、社会還元していきます。
Japanese Medical Society of America Student Membership & Scholarships
The Japanese Medical Society of America was established in 1973, as a nonprofit organization by Japanese medical professionals serving the New York region. Today, our organization consists of members from various fields of healthcare and includes physicians, dentists, nurses, researchers, residents, and students all across the United States. Our main focus is supporting the Japanese and Japanese-American communities through various health related efforts.
Students can sign up for a free JMSA Student Membership with one benefit being the eligibility to apply for JMSA Scholarships. Other benefits include networking opportunities with medical professionals and students and attendance at various JMSA events held throughout the year.
See the ‘Scholarships’ section on their website for current application information.
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science – Overseas Research Fellowships (in JP)
To foster highly capable researchers with wide international perspectives, this fellowship gives excellent young Japanese researchers an opportunity to carry out long-term research at an overseas university or research institution.
- JSPS also offers Overseas Research Fellowships―Restart Research Abroad (RRA), a new program to be launched in FY 2016. Young Japanese researchers who have suspended their research activities due to life event (marriage, childbirth, child raising, nursing, caregiving) are eligible to apply for an RRA fellowship.
- JSPS Overseas Challenge Program: This program gives doctoral students an opportunity to go overseas to challenge a new research environment, one in which they engage in joint research with researchers in other countries over a period of three months to one year. In this way, the program contributes to the fostering of young researchers who possess abundant international experience and can be expected to play leading roles in the wider scientific arena. Open to all fields of the humanities, social sciences and natural sciences
- JSPS Program for Advancing Strategic International Networks to Accelerate the Circulation of Talented Researchers: This program works to foster excellent young Japanese researchers who will form the nucleus of networks that are formed by Japanese research groups with a high degree of potential, that draw upon the international circulation of good brains, and that carry out international joint research with top-ranked overseas research institutions. It does this by supporting Japanese universities and research institutions with programs to dispatch for long stays young Japanese researchers to counterpart countries and to invite researchers from those countries to Japan.
- All Other JSPS Funding Opportunities: See the agency website for full details on all other programs to support Japanese researchers and students.
JASSO: Japanese Student Service Organization
Ideal candidates are women with the following minimum qualifications. Apply by January 15, 2018.
- Over 5 years of professional work experience
- Clear dream vision to make positive social change in Japan
- Strong desire to take a leadership role
- Action-oriented mind
- Strong interest in learning about leadership and management in American nonprofit organizations and the U.S. social sector
- Previous work or volunteer experience with nonprofit organizations or social enterprises
- Emotional maturity and ability to be a team player
- Based in Japan with Japanese citizenship or permanent residency
- Strong communication skills in English (abilities to actively engage in discussion and to writer a multi-page document are required)
Keidanren Ishizaka Memorial Foundation 経団連国際教育交流財団
公益財団法人 経団連国際教育交流財団(理事長:藤川淳一 東レ常任顧問)は、経団連第2代会長の故石坂泰三氏の業績を顕彰し、教育面における国際交流を通じてわが国と諸外国との相互理解の促進に資することを目的に、1976年に設立された。また、2011年12月1日に公益財団法人への移行登記を行い、名称を「財団法人 国際文化教育交流財団」から現在の名称に変更するとともに、その事業内容を見直した。
L’Oréal-UNESCO Fellowship For Women in Science: Japan National Fellowships
For Japan, four annual fellowships are awarded each year to women at the doctoral level in life and material sciences fields. Maximum age is 40 years old and you must be Japanese to apply. Next call for applications will open in November with applications due in February.
L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science International Rising Talent Awards
The L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science International Rising Talents are presented to fifteen promising young women, from each world region (Africa and the Arab States, Asia-Pacific, Europe, Latin America and North America), in order to support and encourage them to pursue their scientific careers. They were selected among the best National and Regional fellows.
The L’Oréal-UNESCO International Rising Talent program is dedicated to both honoring distinguished women scientists as well as supporting promising young women researchers throughout their careers. Fifteen Ph.D. students and post-doctoral Fellows are chosen from among the winners of the 275 fellows selected locally by L’Oréal subsidiaries and UNESCO around the world, these young researchers are indeed the future of science.
The International Rising Talents are already making significant contributions in disciplines as varied as ecology and sustainable development, physics, pharmacology, epidemiology, medical research, neuroscience and evolutionary biology. This online registration platform will respectively enable you to apply to the International Rising Talents program, or to participate in the selection process. The next call for application will open in early August.
Murata Overseas Scholarship Foundation 村田海外留学奨学会
募集人員 | 2名から4名 | ||
留学期間 | 学生は2年間 ※後期課程の大学院生を含む |
准教授・講師・助教・助手・ポストドクターは1年間 | |||
応募資格 | (1) 日本国籍もしくは日本永住権を有し、学校教育法による大学学部、大学院(前期課程)に在籍し、法学、経済学・経営学、理学、工学各科を専攻している満25才以下の学生 | ||
(2) 上記学科を専攻した満37才以下の准教授・講師・助教・助手、ポストドクター、大学院(後期課程)の方 | |||
※応募資格についてご不明な点があれば、はじめに「FAQ-よくあるご質問」をご参照ください。 |
Nakajima Foundation 中島記念国際記念交流財団
Nakatani Foundation Funding
The Nakatnai Foundation has an array of grant and scholarship programs available to students and researchers in Japan. The opportunities are particularly focused on bioengineering/biomedical or medical instrumentation and device related study and research.
New York Hideyo Noguchi Memorial Scholarship 2018
On behalf of The New York Hideyo Noguchi Memorial Society, Inc (HNMS), JMSA is excited to announce the first Hideyo Noguchi Memorial Scholarship. Applications are now being accepted. Applicants must be a graduate student who is seeking MD and/or PhD degrees or non-faculty fellow with an MD and/or PhD degree(s) planning to do life science research and be already admitted to a PhD program in the U.S.
This scholarship is designed to support young scientists from Japan to pursue a research career in the US. The New York Hideyo Noguchi Memorial Society, Inc. (HNMS) was established in 2013 with the mission and goals: 1) to ensure the preservation and upkeep of Dr. Hideyo Noguchi’s graveyard and its monument. 2) to inspire and support the Japanese children and students who aspire to study medicine in the United States. 3) to pass on Dr. Hideyo Noguchi’s achievements in medicine and his inspiration to future generations. 4) to strengthen cultural ties and connections between the United States and Japan.
HNMS is dedicated to awarding a scholarship award each year to a young scientist in life science that upholds the principle that guided Dr. Hideo Noguchi- “Through devotion to science, he lived and died for humanity” HNMS is seeking outstanding applicants who are constant with its mission and goals.
The deadline to apply is April 21, 2018. Please see attached application materials and further information on the scholarship.
Nippon Foundation – Worldwide Scholarships
See program website for information on current scholarship programs.
Okinawa Institute of Science & Technology: PhD Program (in JP)
The OIST Graduate University offers an individualized PhD program providing a secure foundation in the fundamentals of your field, with unparalleled opportunities for cross-disciplinary research. We recognize every student as a unique individual and take this into account in the design of each student’s program. OIST offers students excellent access to the research resources they need for cutting edge research, on a par with other users. The latest equipment is available together with training and support by experts. A host of major facilities such as a clean room with extensive facilities for material analysis and fabrication, genomics and metabolomics centers, high-performance computing, an animal center, and a range of imaging in optical, electron, and X-ray modes ensures that we have the equipment to advance your research.
The university guarantee research assistantship support for all students, but students are also strongly encouraged to apply for external grants and fellowships. In order to reward success, financial support provided by the university will be used to supplement external fellowships, up to a maximum of 3.0 million yen total, which is 0.6 million yen above the standard level. There is an obligation on students to report fellowships to the Graduate School Office.
Okinawa Institute of Science & Technology: Research Internship Program
In addition to the OIST Doctoral Program, seminars, and workshops, the OIST Graduate School offers education and research opportunities through a system of undergraduate and graduate placements as Research Interns. These short-term placements as a Research Intern give talented students the opportunity to gain experience in a particular laboratory or to learn a specific technique. They work under the direction of a Professor at OIST and contribute to the research activities of OIST. Places for Research Interns are awarded four times a year on a competitive basis, with application typically six months in advance. The program is open to both Japanese and international students.
Poland: Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) Ulam Programme
The Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) is pleased to announce new Ulam Programme for incoming researchers. The objective of The Ulam Programme is to help foreign researchers to develop their career by intensifying international mobility as well as will allowing them to establish scientific cooperation with excellent host institutions in Poland. It will enable recognized and promising scientists with at least the doctoral degree to visit Poland and participate in scientific research and teaching. The program invites scientists from around the world representing all fields of science to collaborate with Polish institutions of science and higher education. Scientists may stay in Poland for 6 to 24 months, and they may be accompanied by members of their family.
Rice University Academy Fellowship for Post-Doctoral Researchers
The two-year Rice Academy Postdoctoral Fellowships are open to exceptional scholars who have recently earned the doctoral degree in any area, including medicine, and who want to pursue research with faculty at Rice University. Current Rice graduate students are not eligible. The standard stipend is $60,000. Some departments may augment the stipend. Academy Fellows are provided with an office within the department, $5,000 in a research fund, and access to university resources as well as faculty mentors.
Schwarzman Scholars
Designed to prepare the next generation of global leaders, Schwarzman Scholars is the first scholarship created to respond to the geopolitical landscape of the 21st Century. Whether in politics, business or science, the success of future leaders around the world will depend upon an understanding of China’s role in global trends. With the inaugural class enrolled in 2016, the program gives the world’s best and brightest students the opportunity to develop their leadership skills and professional networks through a one-year Master’s Degree at Tsinghua University in Beijing – one of China’s most prestigious universities. Students live and study together on the campus of Schwarzman College, a newly-built, state-of-the-art facility, where all classes are taught in English. Students pursue a Masters in Global Affairs, with concentrations in one of the disciplines:
- Public Policy
- Economics and Business
- International Studies
Students spend a year immersed in an international community of thinkers, innovators and senior leaders in business, politics and society. In an environment of intellectual engagement, professional development and cultural exchange, they learn from one another and pursue their academic disciplines while building their leadership capacities. This experience will expand students’ understanding of the world and create a growing network of global leaders for the future.
Singapore International Pre-Graduate Award (SIGPA)
The Singapore International Pre-Graduate Award (SIPGA) supports short-term research attachments for top international students at A*STAR, giving you the unique opportunity to experience the vibrant scientific environment in A*STAR Research Institutes and Consortia, and work with distinguished and world-renowned researchers. Open for application by international students in Biomedical, Science and Engineering related disciplines who are undergraduate students in their third or fourth year, or Master students.
Singapore International Graduate Award (SINGA)
Singapore is the gateway to some of the fastest-growing economies in the Asia Pacific region. And with the Singapore International Graduate Award (SINGA), you can pursue your PhD education in Singapore, establish global links and take your research career to greater heights. A joint collaboration between A*STAR, Nanyang Technological University (NTU), National University of Singapore (NUS) and Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD), SINGA fosters a vibrant and culturally diverse research community of international students.
Under SINGA, you’ll receive PhD training at an A*STAR Research Institute or one of the three top universities in Asia – NUS, NTU or SUTD. You’ll be working in a multi-cultural environment alongside distinguished and world-renowned researchers in state-of-the-art facilities. Pursue your PhD education in Singapore with SINGA and take your research to greater heights.
Research areas under the PhD Programme fall broadly under two categories:
- Biomedical Sciences; and
- Physical Science and Engineering.
Open for application to all international graduates with a passion for research and excellent academic results; good skills in written and spoken English; and good reports from academic referees.
Switzerland: Research Internship at EPFL
Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne) in Switzerland aims to attract students to the heart of Europe where renowned Professors strive for excellence in research and international recognition. In this context, EPFL inaugurated a highly attractive internship scheme in 2013 for talented students currently enrolled at internationally acclaimed universities enabling them to spend 3 months (maximum) in any laboratory on campus starting in May at the earliest every year.
Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships for Foreign Scholars and Artists
Each year the Swiss Confederation awards Government Excellence Scholarships to promote international exchange and research cooperation between Switzerland and over 180 other countries. Recipients are selected by the awarding body, the Federal Commission for Scholarships for Foreign Students (FCS). The Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships are aimed at young researchers from abroad who have completed a master’s degree or PhD and at foreign artists holding a bachelor’s degree. Calls for proposals are released in September and application deadlines vary by home country and fall between September – December for scholarship awards that will begin the following September. (e.g. apply by October 2018 for a scholarship start date of September 2019).
Taiwan Industrial Technology Research Institute Internship Program
Each summer ITRI hosts around 30 international students for internships of 2-3 months. ITRI also offers a limited number of longer internships of 4-6 months during Spring, Summer, and Fall.
Takenaka Ikueikai 竹中育英会
Tobitate Study Abroad Initiative – トビタテ!留学JAPAN
As globalization accelerates, Japanese companies are endeavoring evermore to strengthen their presence overseas. However, with the relatively low and decreasing number of Japanese university students studying abroad, roughly 70 percent of Japanese companies with operations outside of Japan say they are finding it difficult to secure and develop globally minded talent. In response, as part of the Japan Revitalization Strategy decided by the cabinet in 2013, the Japanese government is aiming to double the number of Japanese students studying abroad by the year 2020. Although the number of such students is increasing, there is still a long way to go.
To help achieve its objective, the government launched in October 2013 Tobitate! (Leap for Tomorrow) Study Abroad Initiative, a public-private effort for the future of Japan. This initiative—which hopes to make Japan a nation in which all ambitious youths can go global—offers various opportunities for students to embrace the chance to study abroad. A standout among these opportunities is the Tobitate! (Leap for Tomorrow) Young Ambassador Program. This program provides scholarships and other aid with the help of private-sector contributions aiming to collect 20 billion yen. The goal is to help 10,000 young “ambassadors” leap for tomorrow by 2020.
- Kana Yoshida (2017 TOMODACHI STEM Participant) received a Tobitate scholarship to return to Rice University in the fall of 2017 to conduct research as a visiting graduate research intern in Prof. Tayfun Tezduyar’s lab. Her further research at Rice University directly relates to and supports her master’s degree study and research at Tottori University.
TOMODACHI Initiative Programs
The TOMODACHI Initiative is an umbrella organization that provides grants to a wide array of universities and organizations to support the development of programs that invest in the next generation of Japanese and American leaders through educational and cultural exchanges as well as leadership programs.
TOMODACHI STEM @ Rice University (2016 – 2019)
Female Japanese undergraduate students majoring in a science or engineering field may apply to this program at Rice University. This program has been funded by the U.S.-Japan Council’s TOMODACHI Initiative from 2016 – 2019.
To learn more about other TOMODACHI Initiative programs and activities see:
- TOMODACHI Facebook Page: “Like” our page and get the latest on news, programs, and activities.
- Follow us on Twitter
- TOMODACHI Daiwa House Student Leadership Conference
- TOMODACHI Generation Student Engagement & Alumni Page & Social Media
- TOMODACHI MetLife Women’s Leadership Program
- TOMODACHI Microsoft iLeap Social Innovation & Leadership Program
- TOMODACHI Sumitomo Corporation Scholarship Program for Study Abroad
- What’s New?: An up to date listing of all programs currently accepting applications
UN Careers: Internship Opportunities
If you are thinking of entering the world of diplomacy and public policy, an internship at the United Nations could be the ideal start for you. The objective of the internship is to give you a first-hand impression of the day-to-day working environment of the United Nations. You will be given a real chance to work with our people. As part of our team, working directly with outstanding and inspiring career professionals and senior management, you will be exposed to high-profile conferences, participate in meetings, and contribute to analytical work as well as organizational policy of the United Nations. Initially you will take on the amount of responsibility you can shoulder; the potential for growth, however, is yours to develop.
U.S. Japan Conference on Cultural & Educational Interchange (CULCON)
The U.S.-Japan Conference on Cultural and Educational Interchange (CULCON) is a binational advisory panel that serves to elevate and strengthen the vital cultural and educational foundations of the U.S.-Japan relationship, and to strengthen connections between U.S. and Japan leadership in those fields. It works to ensure that the best of new ideas for cultural, educational and intellectual activity and exchange are implemented as operational programs.
U.S.-Japan Council Toshizo Watanabe Endowed Scholarship
The Toshizo Watanabe Endowed Scholarship Fund/Toshizo Watanabe Study Abroad Scholarship Program provides financial assistance to undergraduates/graduate students for a semester or year-long study abroad program in either the United States or Japan. A generous endowment gift of $10 million from Mr. Toshizo (Tom) Watanabe to the U.S.-Japan Council makes it possible to award scholarships to students for whom study abroad would not be possible without financial support. The scholarship will support up to the full cost of attendance to the study abroad program of the applicant’s choice. The scholarship program grants awards to recipients in amounts determined by financial need and other qualifications.
Beginning this year scholarships will be awarded to both American and Japanese undergraduate students who are pursuing international study in either the United States or Japan.
- Applications will Open: January 1, 2018
- Application deadline: February 15, 2018 11:59PM EST
We will be holding virtual information sessions for interested U.S. and Japanese applicants as well as university/college administrators in early December. Please see the dates below:
Japanese applicants:
- Saturday Dec. 9th @ 10AM JST
- Saturday Dec. 16th@10AM JST
- Wednesday Dec. 13th @ 9:30AM JST (Japan admins)
- Wednesday Dec. 13th @ 4PM EST (US admins)
For more information on the virtual information session, please see this flier. Sign up here for the December Virtual information sessions!
Yoshida Scholarship Foundation 吉田育英会