Dasom Kim

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Dasom Kim
Graduate Student

Ph.D. Program in Applied Physics

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Dasom Kim is a Ph.D. student in experimental condensed matter physics and quantum optics at Rice University, supervised by Prof. Junichiro Kono since 2021. His research interests include ultrastrong light–matter coupling using metamaterial cavities and the Dicke superradiant phase transition. He has technical expertise in nanofabrication and ultrafast spectroscopy at low temperatures, down to 1.4 K, in a magnetic field. He was a Smalley–Curl Institute Innovative Research Fellow and is a recipient of a graduate scholarship from Korean American Scientists and Engineers Association–Korea U.S. Science Cooperation Center. Prior to joining Rice University, he received B.S. and M.S. degrees in physics from Seoul National University in 2015 and 2017, respectively. He continued his work as a research associate in Prof. Dai-Sik Kim’s group until 2020, where he conducted extensive research on terahertz metamaterial cavities.