Jacques Doumani

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Jacques Doumani
Graduate Student

Ph.D. Program in Applied Physics



Jacques Doumani received his B.S. degree in Physics from the Lebanese University in Beirut, Lebanon in 2018. He pursed his first year of Masters in fundamental Physics at the Lebanese University and he earned his M.S. degree in Nano-Sciences and Nano-Technology from the University of Paris Saclay in Paris, France in 2020. His Masters internship was done at Rice Univeristy under the supervision of Prof. Kono, where he was working on Aligned Carbon Nanotube films as Hyperbolic Metamatrial. Recently, Jacques started his PhD in Applied Physics where he joined Kono’s Lab as a continuity of his previous work. His current research interest is related to; carbon nanotubes, CNT fabrication, transfer, device fabrication, Hyperbolic MetaMaterials, photonic crystal, optical characterization.